Our Community Partners

  • Broad Brook Grange

    As the original builders and stewards of this historic building, the grange continues its activities here and will always have a home at the Broad Brook Community Center. Some of the Grange’s regular events include theater productions by Guilford Center Stage, the annual Sugar on Snow suppers, the Father’s and Mother’s Day brunches, and the free community Thanksgiving Dinner.

  • Town of Guilford

    The town uses the BBCC for a variety of municipal functions, such as town-wide meetings, forums, elections, and as a hub for Green Up Day. Guilford’s Commissions (Recreation, Planning, and Conservation) use the Center as a community space for activities and meetings throughout the year. The BBCC also provides a community space for the Guilford Free Library summer camps.

  • Guilford Central School

    Guilford Central School provides overflow parking for large events at the BBCC, and the BBCC in return is the emergency shelter for the School and also available for large school events such as contra dances, potlucks, talent shows and more!

  • Guilford Cares

    Guilford Cares helps older neighbors, friends, and families live safe, healthy, and socially active lives. Guilford Cares holds their food pantry at the BBCC between 3-4pm every Thursday and Fall prevention Tai Chi Classes at the BBCC every Thursday at 9:30am.

  • Neighborhood Roots Food Collective

    Neighborhood Roots uses the building as a distribution point for their local food buying group which supports farmers and makes local produce easier to access. They also host agricultural workshops and educational events.

  • Join Us!

    The Broad Brook Community Center connects with organizations that share its vision for a lively, involved, and diverse community. Are you a local organization interested in expanding your reach or finding a central hub?