Invest in community by donating to the Broad Brook Community Center today!

The Broad Brook Community Center is a 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible.

Why Donate to the Broad Brook Community Center?

Maybe our story can explain…

It all began with an idea. The community wanted to turn the Broad Brook Grange Hall into a Community Center.

  • 9 Years

  • $2.3 Million Dollars

  • Donations from over 1/3 of Guilford residents

  • A very dedicated board

And here we are with a fully accessible, fully insulated building with an elevator, ADA accessible bathrooms, a new basement, and a community ready to fill it with as many hours of joy as possible.

It takes a village.

It takes a town fully committed to its history and community to accomplish a project this large. Thank you for your unfailing support.

Make a donation.
