Broad Brook Grange in collaboration with the Guilford Selectboard will hold the annual Pre-Town Meeting on Thursday, February 20, 6:30 pm.
The event will be live-streamed on BCTV, but those interested in participating should attend at Broad Brook Community Center. Town Meeting Moderator, Rick Zamore, will facilitate the February 20 session.
Town Meeting itself will convene at 10am on Saturday, March 1, at Guilford Central School, a change in date voted at last year’s Town Meeting. Per Vermont Statute, Australian balloting will still be held on the Tuesday following, March 4, to elect town officers, with polls open at the Broad Brook Community Center from 10 am - 7 pm.
At the Pre-Town Meeting, the select-board will present and discuss the articles to be voted at Town Meeting, and will answer questions and receive comments from townspeople present.
In addition, candidates for town offices are urged to attend to introduce themselves to the voters. This is the only time before the vote for the public to meet and hear the candidates together. One of the terms for Guilford representative to the WSESD School Board is up for election this year; voters will also cast ballots for reps from the other district towns, and candidates are invited to attend Pre-Town Meeting to introduce themselves and answer questions.
Those interested in declaring as a write-in candidate should take this sole opportunity to appear before a group of voters. Guilford’s reps to the WSESD Board will also be on hand to talk about school board business.
Refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!